Thursday, December 21, 2006

Isn't that the best example of a good uncle? Or is it just sickeningly cute?

My niece Andrea had strep throat and needed comfort. So, being the good uncle I am I did just that.

Well, Christmas is just a few days away, and no I'm not anywhere near ready for it. I'm still not ready for Thanksgiving.

All I have left to get, as far as gifts, is one for (now don't tell any one because it's supposed to be a secret) my Brother-in-law, and I'll be doing that after work.

With that out of the way...

What are we doing to help those in need this year?

I found a family last night at church that are in some financial need. The husband just had most of his stomach removed because of cancer, and the prescriptions they need are extremely expensive. So, I've decided to help them how I know I can.

I've made more money this year then I ever have. God has blessed me greatly this year, and because I know He blessed me so that I can bless others I am blessing this family.

Go out and find some one to help out this Christmas. There is bound to be some one in your Church or neighborhood or at work that is in dire need this year. Find them it's not hard to do. There are organizations that exist for the sole purpose of helping those in need.

"Well, I don't have enough to do anything."

Start with what you have. People in real need are appreciative of anything.

Go to a Dollar store, or for you in England a Pound store, and get some little toys for kids. Cook some food and take it to a family. Give a little extra in the offering plate, and make sure you note to the church that it is for those in need.

You'll find that if you try just a little bit, you will find some one.

Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

So, why don't you ask for some one to help this year? Helping some one else will be the greatest gift you give and receive this year, trust me.

God bless and Merry Christmas,

Mr. Keith

p.s. I'm listening to Boortz again. As if you care.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holy freakin' crap!

I just realized that it's the end of December, and I haven't posted anything.

Isn't that interesting?

God bless,

Mr. Keith

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I've been slacking. I know, sorry. So, I'll just be random.

It's the Thanksgiving Christmas season, and for some reason I've been working on a lot of bids recently. Of course I'm happy about it. The more bids we put out, the more opportunities to make money, and we've been awarded quite a few jobs. Maybe we'll have a million dollar month before the end of the year. That's my excuse, take it or leave it.

This weekend I bought "Sound of Melodies" by Leeland, and I am unable to listen to anything else right now. How do you go from constantly listening to Zao's "The Fear is What Keeps Us Here" and Flee the Seen's "Doubt Becomes the New Addiction" (Yeah, I listen to this stuff and work in Children's Ministry. Oh, come on you've got to love it.) to Leeland? I don't know.

I had a great Thanksgiving. My dad came down and brought his mom with him. My brother brought his family out. We went to my Uncle's in Cattersville. There were ten adults and seven kids, six of them were under five. It was a blast.

On Saturday, I received a book in the mail that a Youth Pastor friend of mine down in Boca Raton, FL wrote. It's called "Sex was God's Idea", and is targeted towards teens. After all he is a Youth Pastor. I read all the preliminary stuff and the first chapter last night. I'll tell you more about it when I finish it, but so far it's great. If your not patient enough to wait for me, his myspace is There is a great promo video there. If you've lived a sheltered life, be warned. It's very up front.

Christmas is less then a month away, and I still can't wrap my head around the idea that Thanksgiving just passed.

I'm probably going to cause some problems. Christmas is on a Monday this year, and we are having it at my brothers in Flowery Branch. Well, I'm not going out there until Sunday afternoon. Because those kids in Children's Church are my priority, but maybe I'm seeing the glass half empty. Maybe I should just leave for my brother's right after work on Friday so as not to cause problems.

I've stopped listening to Neal Boortz since last Wednesday. I'm not sure why. It's not like he's changed what he is saying or anything like that. I've known ever since I started listening to him where I agreed and disagreed with him. In fact I'm still reading Neal's Nuze, and I'm still getting and reading the Boortz Blast Newsletter. I guess maybe...I don't know.

Well that's it for now.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

p.s. Try to go see "The Nativity Story" sometime this season. After all, Christmas is about the birth of Christ. No matter how hard leftist organizations try force us to forget.,CST-NWS-nativity28.article

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

There is good news and bad news.

The good news: the Republicans lost.

The bad news: the Democrats are in power.

Let's face it. The Republicans betrayed those that put them in power. "The Contract with America" is what put them in power 12 years ago. They have not fulfilled it in any way shape or form.

The Republicans are supposed to be the party of small government, small spending, and national security. The Government has more then doubled in the last twelve years. The only other President you can compare Bush to as far as spending is LBJ, bridge to nowhere any one? He only vetoed one sending Bill.

National security is interesting. On the one hand, we are going after terrorists, yeah Bush. On the other hand, we have more illegals coming into this country every year then ever before. There is almost no border security on the American/Mexican border.

"A New Direction", that's what the Democrats call it.

  • Unemployment is at 4.4%, last I read. So what's the new direction, there?
  • interests rates have just dropped again. What's the new direction, here?
  • The economy is rapidly moving forward. How about here?
  • People are holding on to more of the money we work for. I don't need to ask about that direction.

Do I need to go on? Ah, yes the war. We can either fight them there or fight them here. What do you want to do? Remember, in World War II there were single days where we lost more men then we have lost in the years we've been in this war.

We know that under the Demicrats, the Government is going to continue to grow, taxes are going to increase, amnesty is going to be demanded, and "redeployment" (cut & run) will be the talk of the town. Socialism as usual.

We need Newt get in there and kick some Republican asses, and remind them who they are supposed to be.

They have two years of, most likely, Naci Pelosi as speaker. Two years to sit down and figure out how they screwed-up, and how to fix what they have broken.

They brought it upon themselves. They got what they deserved.

Well, at least the Communist Party USA is happy.

This country is in God's hand, and I'm not worried. He sets up Governments, and brings them down.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I doubt any one that knows me or has read any thing on this blog before needs me to explain my views on what John "the poodle" Kerry said the other day.

In case you missed it: "You know, education--if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

And now that ____ expects us to believe it was a jab at the President and his policies.

Every one that voted for him for any reason in the past should be so proud of themselves. That ____ has never supported our troops. He has voted against every bill put in front of him that give them better body armor, better equipment, strong vehicle armor, ect.

"If you remember I voted for it before I voted against it." Do you remember that one?

This man, and I use the term lightly, is a liar plain and simple and a traitor in my opinion.

I'm rambling I know, and I'm sorry, but I love our military.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

If you can speak, thank a teacher. If you speak English, thank a serviceman.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

If you still think that government education is a good thing....

In Gwinnett County Government Schools in Georgia have recently changed the way they grade students from kindergarten to fifth grade. They have decided to reverse A-F system and drop the F.

"A" is now the worst and "D" is now the best. This is a quick break down of the letter grades:
  • A = Anarchy
  • B = Bother
  • C = Cooperative
  • D = Democracy

When they go to Middle School the system changes back to what most of us grew up with. I guess they're trying to prepare the kids for when they actually have to start working to get "the grade". So, when they're failing they don't feel bad.

And let's be honest here. To most teachers, since they're union members, democracy means socialism. After all union members, for the most part, believe it is some one else's responsibility to take care of them. The union or government should set wages, provide healthcare, paid holidays...........

If you love your kids find a way to either home school them or get them in a private school. Make the sacrifices needed. They will be better off, and thank you for it later.

I for one will not allow my children, when I have some, to go to a government school. If I have to work three jobs, live in a trailer, and drive something that just gets me from A to B. That is exactly what I will do.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

My intelligence is in spite of my education, not because of it.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Save the cheerleader. Save the world.

Heroes is my favorite show on TV right now. I am freakin' hooked. I can't wait for the next episode.

I just had to let that out.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What the Hell is wrong with the people in this country?

The topic of conversation on Boortz at 11 am changed to banning games like tag, dodge ball, and others from government schools. Why are they doing this?

With tag the problem is that kids are running around "touching" each other. No, I'm serious. In fact some lady called in saying that she doesn't allow her kids to play it because she's worried younger kids will think that hitting is ok.

Another reason they use, I'm sure it's used for all games like these, is they are afraid a kid will get hurt and the school will be sued. I can't really blame them for thinking that. If the laws would be changed so that the loser pays. Then we wouldn't have so many frivolous lawsuits.

If we continue allowing things like this to happen, then this country will become a "nation of candy-asses", to quote Boortz.

If you actually believe this is a good idea. Please don't have kids, because we don't need any more cry babies in this world.

If you love your children. Encourage your children to play tag, dodge ball, climb trees, ect. If they get hurt then they get hurt. It's life people.

Some of my favorite memories have instances of where I was injured. LIFE HURTS.

It ticks me off so much that people actually buy into this crap. Don't raise your kids to be pansies.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

Friday, October 13, 2006

Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:10 (NAS)

A couple of weeks ago I was listening to Michael Medved. He's a radio talk show host. Anyway, he started talking about a documentary that, at the time, was going to be released soon called Jesus Camp. A film that is about some kids that go to a church camp in Missouri. It apparently has a negative bent to it.

No, Medved is not a Christian. He is Jewish, and understands that Christians and Jews are spiritually linked. He is a defender of our faith, as well as his.

Two Sundays ago, 10/01/06, in Children's Church during praise and worship. Our Children's pastor got up and talked to us about this movie coming out that CNN had done a report on called Jesus Camp, and of course those reporting were more then willing magnify the negative.

The other day, I was on a website watching movie previews, and watched the Jesus Camp preview. It hints at the fact that the documentarians see Evangelicals as indoctrinating kids and comparing us to Islamofacists.

After watching the preview, I started looking for reviews. I ended up at It was so disheartening.
  • "One knows exactly where the first Christian suicide bombers will come from."
  • "On one level, the documentary "Jesus Camp" is all about evangelical Christians keeping up with the terrorists. One overweight Pentecostal teacher, concerned that her "fat and lazy" students weren't playing with grenades and bomb belts by the time they were 5, seems to wish they could grow up to become suicide bombers."
  • "As the adults in the movie apparently favor anarchy, intolerance of religions other than their own, and war as a means of achieving their goals."

Those are some of the quotes I read in different reviews. For some reason it seems that today when those who aren't Christians hear "God's Army" they're thinking military. When I was a kid no one ever freaked out when hearing that term. I guess people understood that we Christians fight a spiritual war not a physical one.

I felt terrible that so many people see us Evangelicals as nut jobs that hold to intolerance and hate as being fundamentals of Christianity.

Just because we see certain things as sin, does not mean we hate those that do it. Put simply, we would have to hate ourselves. I know the sins I deal with daily. One thing I grew up hearing, and still hear parents tell their kids today, is "Love the sinner, hate the sin".

My interpretation is treat people the same. No matter what they do. Show love to all men and women.

I don't know, maybe I'm rambling.

Now what does all that have to do with the Bible verse at the top of this post?

After reading all those reviews talking about how dangerous people like me are. I remembered an incident from about a year ago. I was working for a company that did water, fire, storm, and mold remediation and reconstruction. One of our day to day duties was steam cleaning carpet. I was cleaning a small church with one of the other techs. I was talking to the pastor about how often Christians are seen as terrible people for merely believing that the Bible is the Truth, and then trying to live as if they believe it.

All of a sudden I had a brilliant thought. Actually I know it was divine inspiration. The verse at the top came to mind. I realized that this is exactly what Jesus said would happen.

So, take heart if you are being persecuted for ours is the Kingdom of Heaven.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

Monday, October 09, 2006

I just have one statement, and then one question.

Hurricane experts are saying that this year's hurricane season is pretty much over.

So, what happened to the worst season ever, global warmistas?

Friday, September 29, 2006

You know...Links...Over to your right...There you go.

Trinity Chapel (my home church) - If I need to explain this one, then.....

Fair Tax, blah blah - is the website for Americans for Fair Taxation. It's where you go to find out about the fair Tax. I'd explain what that is, but it would take a little while. Go to the website or get a copy of The Fair Tax Book by Congressman John Linder and Neal Boortz. It's great for the country and even better for the citizens.

Woven Hand - My favorite band in the world, and current project of David Eugene Edwards. You know, he was the front man of 16 Horsepower. Never heard of them either, oh. Go there to find out about them.

Facedown Records - It's a record label, duh. Lots of great hardcore and metal as well as some punk. Bands like ALove for Enemies, No Innocent Victim, Flee the Seen, Blood Lined Calligraphy. Most of the bands come from a Christian perspective. It's where Figure Four, Comeback Kid, and Sinai Beach all started at.

Neal Boortz - Co-author of The Fair Tax Book, and syndicated radio talk show host. He's a Libritarian, look it up yourself, extremely sarcastic, as well as brilliant. And he's from Atlanta, GA. Yes I realize some of you won't give him a chance because he's from the South.

Dr. Mike Adams - He's a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and is a regular columnist for A former liberal atheist, now conservative Christian. He writes a lot of satirical columns. Another sarcastic and brilliant mind.

Lydia Pistol's blog - She was in the middle school group at the church were I first got involved in youth ministry back in TX. She was 12 when I first started teaching. That's 13 years ago. She's now married and living in London. A definite must read for me. It's an American perspective on marriage, faith, and the things of England.

Pistol Family blog - It's really just another place for Lydia to post stuff. I guess some people can't be satisfied with just one.

Chris Coggin's blog - Another old friend from TX. He and his wife are starting a church in Austin called the Austin Project. There is only one blog on there right now, but good stuff.

My myspace - Do I really need to explain? If you'd like to know what 16HP and Woven Hand sound like. I always have a video from both on the right side of my page. Under "About me" and "Who I'd like to meet". You can also see how Sandrine stalks me. Oh, crap. Don't tell her I said that.

Enjoy.........or don't.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

(Aren't you glad I didn't right anything political or religious in this post. Well except to explain what some of the links are about.)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How did I get here?

Well, that's an odd question. Is my memory so bad that I can't remember my past?

The last couple of days, for some reason, I've been thinking about what I'm doing, enjoy, and where I live as opposed to where I thought I would be in my younger days.

Take for instance the fact that I'm in children's ministry. I'm in Children's Church on Sundays during our second service. We have kids from third grade to sixth grade, as well as some kids in middle and high school helping out. I teach sometimes, do offering, get them ready for praise and worship ect.

What's so odd about that?

Up until three years ago I had been involved in youth ministry since I was 16. That's 12 years of my life. Just two years ago you couldn't convince me I'd be doing anything other then youth ministry.

When I was in middle school I felt like that's what I was supposed to do, and at 16 I sat down with my Youth Pastor, Barry Young at the time. We talked about what I felt God was pushing me towards, as far as ministry. He told me to talk with the Assistant Youth Pastor, who was over the middle school kids, and see if there were things I could do to help out, as long as it didn't interfere with any high school stuff going on. So, I did and I thought that's what I'd be doing for most of the rest of my life.

I never thought I'd be doing this, but here I am.

Another thing is the music I listen to. I mostly listen to Alt. Country, Americana, Hardcore, and I guess what they call New Metal.

When I was 12, that's 1987, I was introduced to Black Flag. I think the hardest stuff I had heard up until then was ACDC. So, when I heard Black Flag I was a little shocked. I sat there and listened and I couldn't figure out if I liked it or not. Of course I told my friends I thought it was cool, or maybe I said it was "rad". The next few years I got into stuff like Slayer, Anthrax, Morbid Angel, Minor Threat and so on. It seemed to me the harder and faster it was the cooler it must be.

Now, at that point in my life I figured by the time I was 25 I would have grown out of that phase. Here I am at 31, and the two CD's I'm playing the most right now are Zao's "The Fear is What Keeps Us Here" and Flee the Seen's "Doubt Becomes the New Addiction". Both are, of course, quite hard with Zao being on the fast side. It seems the older I get the more I love hard music.

There are other things as well. Isn't it interesting where we thought we were headed when we were younger as opposed to where we are today.

I always heard growing up that God moves in mysterious ways. I guess this was part of what was meant by that statement.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I am not one that thinks of boycotts as something to get involved in.

When movies come out that I find offensive, I don't stop going to theaters that are showing it. I go see a different film.

When France said they opposed the war in Iraq, I didn't go out and put one of those stupid "boycott France" stickers on my vehicle. In fact, my first thought when they started showing up was "I bet this idiot isn't even smart enough to figure out what's French and what's not". Those people were the ones that stop eating French Toast and French Fries and French Bread. Thinking they were really sticking it to the French.

When I find out a place I eat or purchase things at regularly supports canidates or policies I disagree with, I don't stop eating or shopping there.
Case in point; Ted Turner is an moron, and he owns Ted's Montana. It's the only restaurant that serves bison on it's regular menu. I happen to really enjoy the taste of bison. If given the opportunity to eat there I jump at the chance. I hate that some of my money goes to him, but I get to eat bison there.

I think boycotts for the most part are a waste of time. They usually end up having the opposite effect then intended. When some people see that there is a boycott they feel the sudden urge to go where others are saying we shouldn't go to.

Where am I going with this?

Boycott Citgo.

The gas station?

Yes, the gas station.


Because Citgo is owned by the Government of Venezuela, and there for run by Hugo Chavez. Every gallon of gas, candy bar, quart of oil, or six pack of Bud you buy goes to support the new Roberto Mussolini. (Ahmadinejad being the new Hitler. He is calling for the total destruction of Israel, after all.)

Chavez and his government are supporters of Islamic terrorists and any one that hates America (United Nations). I'm not so sure that he is actually a socialist or a communist. I think he is just a power hungry SOB.

If you truly love USA then you would think it a good idea to cause problems for all of our enemies, but if you think hurting the Government of Venezuela is a bad thing, then it's obvious where your loyalties are.

Here's something for all you peace at any pricers, like Carter. The Soviets had a definition for peace you might agree with. Peace is when all voices opposing the Soviet Government are silenced.

The only place to find the peace you want is in solitary confinement.

If you will recall the only reason this nation came into existence was because we went to war with England and won. The only reason we don't all speak German and Israel exists today was that we went to war and won.

The price for freedom and peace is the willingness to take up arms and wage war against those who try to take it away from us until they are defeated. Whether they surrender or are completely destroyed.

With all that said here is a challenge for you. I don't see any reason for the US be be a member of the UN. Some one explain to me why the UN is good for the US.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

p.s. International opinion is a load of crap. So, that is not a reason.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I deleted my post about my reaction to "The Path to 9/11".

I don't regret what I wrote, and if you read it I stand by what I said.

But even though I still meant what I wrote. I believe that it was time to take it down. I didn't intend on keeping up forever any way.

I realize my views can be very polarizing and "offensive" to a lot of people. Just read some of the other blogs I've posted.

The reason I deleted it is because...I'm not sure how to explain it. I could say that some of the language I used was inappropriate and some of it was, but that's not it. I could say it was to politically one sided, but that would not bother me in any way, shape, or form. I could even say that the direction I ended up taking was not what the film was trying to say, but I wasn't writing a review. I was writing from my heart, my emotional experience. That is after all why I waited until after I saw both parts.

It was just time to delete it. I don't know if any one is reading this blog any way. You might be reading this thinking, "What the hell is this loser writing about?"

If you didn't read it then, I just wasted your time. I apologize for that.

If you did, you are probably happy I took it down. You're welcome.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

Friday, September 08, 2006

In responce to The Austin Project, Chris Coggin's blog, September 1, 2006.

Amen, brother.
How often do we as Christians allow ourselves to get caught up in life and forget...No, not forget, but set aside the truths we know.

We don't forget to persue Christ and a Christ-like life. We set those "things" aside because of bills, stress at work, or some one cut us off in traffic.

Even in sin, I am aware of what I am doing, and yet, I continue for that short period of feeling good. Then turn around to the fact that what I just did was wrong.

When i was a child I could get away with the excuse that I didn't know what I was doing to be wrong. Here I am in my thirties, and I still struggle with doing what is right. I know that doing right always, always, always leads to joy. Sin always, always, always leads to darkness and disappointment, but here I am still trying (did you catch that? trying) to do right in the eyes of God.

Oh, how pathetic a creature this man is.

How is it that Jesus still stands beside me holding me up? Walking beside me. So often carrying me through life.

Why does He put up with us? With me? Who am I that You would reach out Your hand to save me? Isn't He great?

God bless,
Mr. Keith

(It's back to talk radio for me.)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Some one posted a comment, YYYAAAYYY.

My good friend Lydia Pistol is the first person to leave a comment. I am very greatful to her for doing so. I am full of great or something like that.

Anyway, thank you Lydia for your time.

Now, take her example, and let me know what you're thinking.

Mr. Keith

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Will FL ever recover?

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this hurricane season. Not one hurricane has hit us. Not one.

As soon as I read Ernesto hit Cuba and slowed down, I knew there was nothing but a big rain storm headed to FL.

Now it could turn into one as it moves up the coast line. I will admit that, but again, it would be minor. Well, as minor as a hurricane can be.

We're over half way through the season. Where is the worst season ever?

M. Keith

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Okay, I admit I don't hate, completely. is just like Wal-Mart.
Well, I'll tell you. Thanks for asking.
Most honest people will tell you that they love and hate Wal-Mart. I know I do. The reasons might be different, but the feelings are the same.
I love Wal-mart because it is so convenient. The largest one in the Southeast is just down the road from my house. If I need groceries, jeans, socks, a DVD whatever. In five minutes I'm there.
That is probably the same for most people.
And for all of you that went to college or were a part of a missions organization or were just bored. How many times have you gone to Waly World with friends just to screw around or try to get kicked out. It's like a theme park for bored and poor people.
Now the hate is for different reasons then a lot of people. I don't hate them because they're a big scary corporation trying to make as much money as possible to become rich. I am a capitalist and I do the job I do to make as much money as possible. So, I can live the life style I want to. It's not because every employee doesn't have health insurance or employees aren't paid enough. They should have done better negotiating to get the pay and insurance they wanted, or they should have worked harder in the past then they did so they could have better standing in the job negotiation process. I don't hate them because they won't allow their employees to unionize if they choose to. That's actually a good reason to love them. After all I am a capitalist.
My hatred is because of there use of Eminent Domain. What am I talking about? If they try to buy up land to built there next store, and one of the land owners doesn't want to sell. Wal-Mart goes to the county or city government and get them to condemn the land. Forcing the owners off. Supposedly being paid "far market value". People who have had there home for 30 -40 years, or in their family for over 100 years taken away by their government because the gov will get more taxes from Wal-Mart then you.
What's that got to do with Not much other then I hate and love to find out why I hate it, look at the previous post. I love it be cause it's convenient.
Mr. Kieth

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I hate

The only problem is, that's the best way for me to keep up with my friends that live in other states, and countries.

I wish there was another way that was as simple as myspce is supposed to be.

I don't know if they're not smart enough to stay way ahead of how many people join their site or not, but probably so.

I'm sorry, but I had to vent.

Mr. Keith
(is pissed off.)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Living in the past.

There is a little Baptist church I pass every day on my way to work. I also pass it going to my church. Apparently at the end of the month they are having, as their sign says, an "old time camp meeting". Under that it says, "Various old time preachers and singers".
When ever I see signs like that at churches, it makes me nervous. I'll tell you why. (Thanks for asking.)

I get concerned that they think if they sing the old hymns, preach the old sermons, and have the old time meetings, and then they will have the old experiences. Not that in and of it self is not bad, but it's not good either. I'm sure those old experiences with God were great, moving, and so important to who they have become, but if you keep trying to relive those experiences you won't have any new ones.
It bothers me when people live in the past, and refuse to let go. If you don't let go, you get stuck. You can't move forward.

Not that long ago my dad was preaching at my home church, and he was talking about letting go of the past. He used driving in a car as an analogy. He asked the question, "Why do you think the rearview mirror is so small?" Well that's an easy answer isn't it? Its small be because you're not going in reverse. You're moving forward. If you had a large rearview mirror and a small window to see what was ahead, you'd end up in an accident.

So, why is it so hard to get some people to understand this? If you honestly look at the history of the church, and look through the Bible you find that God never moved the same way twice, but the Church constantly tries to relive "the glory days". As if things were better then, then now.

I remember my so called "glory days". You couldn't pay me enough to go back there and relive it. I've been there once, never again.

I want the new things of God. I don't want the experiences from when I was seven, 12, or even 25. I want new ones.

I remember when I was a youth sponsor, not sure why we were called that because I never sponsored any one, at the church I grew up in. One of the girls came to me, I think it was Lydia, and asked about the youth group when I was in middle/high school. I'll be honest, when I was in middle/high school; the youth group seemed much more focused and determined to seek God. Maybe it was because of the attitudes of the youth pastors I had as opposed to the one we had at the time of the question. I just remember my response being positive to the past and negative to the present.
Perhaps what I said was the truth, but I gave no hope to the future with that youth pastor. I know I did a disservice to her and any one else listening.

When we get into situations that we are unfamiliar with, I guess, we search for comfort, and if we can grab hold of it we know we'll be fine.

I remember at a men's retreat at that same church, we had an amazing service. Great praise and worship. The message was powerful. And we all got to see something of each other we hadn't before.
After the service was over, we were all talking in groups around the building or outside by the lake. When all of a sudden some one was playing the piano. Then about four or five older men started singing old gospel songs. I just remember having to get out of there, because it felt like they were trying to dig up the past.
Now, I grew up hearing that music, and I knew all the songs they were singing. In fact, I still listen to those songs from time to time, but they were trying to take a new experience and force it to look like the old.
I went outside and started talking to a friend, Peter, who was fishing in the lake. (How's that for a metaphor) And we talked about the new thing.
Yes the old is important. Without the old you don't know where you came from, and can't stay on the path to get where you're going.
But if you focus on the old you get off the present path and miss the future you're meant to have.

The rearview mirror is to remind you of what is behind you. That's why it's small. The wind shield shows you where you’re going. That's why it's large.

I hope this makes sense and thank you for your time.

Mr. Keith

Monday, July 24, 2006

As they say, let's give it a go.

This is my attempt at having a blog.

What you will see here in the near future will offend, humor, infuriate, astonish ( probably not), encourage, bless, convict, exhort, ect. you, or will have no effect on you what so ever. But hopefully, above all it will help you in some way. I know it will help me.

It's kind of like when you're trying to figure something out or understand something, it helps to just say what your thinking out loud, or in this case, write it down. Things often times appear different when you say it out loud or read it then when you think it. So, sometimes I might post something and immediately change my mind, but then keep it up just to get your opinion.
If you are offended, please except my apology. While sometimes that might even be my attempt. The only reason I do so is to get you to think. I know when I get offended I want to know why I'm offended and why the one/ones that have offended me think that way.
Feel free to criticize my posts. I will take it constructively, and who knows you might change the way I or others think about or see the world.
Thank you for your time,
Mr. Keith