Monday, July 24, 2006

As they say, let's give it a go.

This is my attempt at having a blog.

What you will see here in the near future will offend, humor, infuriate, astonish ( probably not), encourage, bless, convict, exhort, ect. you, or will have no effect on you what so ever. But hopefully, above all it will help you in some way. I know it will help me.

It's kind of like when you're trying to figure something out or understand something, it helps to just say what your thinking out loud, or in this case, write it down. Things often times appear different when you say it out loud or read it then when you think it. So, sometimes I might post something and immediately change my mind, but then keep it up just to get your opinion.
If you are offended, please except my apology. While sometimes that might even be my attempt. The only reason I do so is to get you to think. I know when I get offended I want to know why I'm offended and why the one/ones that have offended me think that way.
Feel free to criticize my posts. I will take it constructively, and who knows you might change the way I or others think about or see the world.
Thank you for your time,
Mr. Keith

1 comment:

lydster said...

Wicked cool! Blogger is definitely the way forward, although it doesn't allow you to waste time finding out who your friends' friends' friends are. Ummm...ok, I'm over it. Anyway, welcome to the world of blogspot - it is so much more satisfying to write/type on a pretty-looking page, don't you think? By the way, was wondering if I could add a link from my blog to yours? (That is a compliment, as it means that I think your blog is worth sharing.)