Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Screw Loose Change

Well, it's a blog, http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com/. The focus is on exposing the stupidity and ignorance of the film Loose Change. A film by two useless 9/11 "truthers". That's the main focus anyway, but they're more then happy to go after any of those losers.

I found it this morning. Since it is the sixth aniversary of 9/11. I started thinking that there would be a ton of those, what's a more tackfull way of saying jackasses? That there would be a huge gathering of "them" in NYC today. Ranting and raving about how the Towers were brought down with controled demolition.

Now, I have enough construction expirience, that I have no problem seeing through the falsehoods of what they say, and I'm not saying that they're lying. Just that there are plenty of fools, morons, and liars feeding them this crap.

They have plenty of links to other blogs and websites that exist just to expose this stuff. Including the site Popular Mechanics has setup to bring the light of science and engineering on the subject, http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html one of my favorites.

This is one way I'm remembering the victims of those Islamic Terrorists. Since there are already so many sites and blogs out there that do such a great job of countering this propoganda. There is no need for me to try to explain anything.

Only the stupid and the ignorant believe this, and you can't fix stupid. Educate yourselves, or shut your damn mouths.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

Piss off prisonplanet.com, infowars.com and any one that takes Alex Jones seriously. He is the biggest peddler of these lies out there, and he's has to be too smart not to know the truth.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

OK, I'm sorry that this is late.

The "incredible" news that I was hinting at. That I was so excited about. That I almost couldn't hold it inside. That I'm so surprised that I didn't let it out.

Do you really want to know? I mean it is family stuff, after all. I don't know if it will even mean anything to you.

Alright here we go. Last Friday, August 31, 2007, was my brother's 31st birthday. That is not the news. On that day, my brother and sister-in-law were at the hospital. They were there because the doctor felt they needed to induce labor for my new nephew.

Johnathan Douglas was 8lbs 4oz and 20 1/2" long. That is about the coolest birthday gift a man could ever get.

Finally a little more testosterone in that house. Thank you, God.

God bless,
Mr. Keith