Wednesday, November 08, 2006

There is good news and bad news.

The good news: the Republicans lost.

The bad news: the Democrats are in power.

Let's face it. The Republicans betrayed those that put them in power. "The Contract with America" is what put them in power 12 years ago. They have not fulfilled it in any way shape or form.

The Republicans are supposed to be the party of small government, small spending, and national security. The Government has more then doubled in the last twelve years. The only other President you can compare Bush to as far as spending is LBJ, bridge to nowhere any one? He only vetoed one sending Bill.

National security is interesting. On the one hand, we are going after terrorists, yeah Bush. On the other hand, we have more illegals coming into this country every year then ever before. There is almost no border security on the American/Mexican border.

"A New Direction", that's what the Democrats call it.

  • Unemployment is at 4.4%, last I read. So what's the new direction, there?
  • interests rates have just dropped again. What's the new direction, here?
  • The economy is rapidly moving forward. How about here?
  • People are holding on to more of the money we work for. I don't need to ask about that direction.

Do I need to go on? Ah, yes the war. We can either fight them there or fight them here. What do you want to do? Remember, in World War II there were single days where we lost more men then we have lost in the years we've been in this war.

We know that under the Demicrats, the Government is going to continue to grow, taxes are going to increase, amnesty is going to be demanded, and "redeployment" (cut & run) will be the talk of the town. Socialism as usual.

We need Newt get in there and kick some Republican asses, and remind them who they are supposed to be.

They have two years of, most likely, Naci Pelosi as speaker. Two years to sit down and figure out how they screwed-up, and how to fix what they have broken.

They brought it upon themselves. They got what they deserved.

Well, at least the Communist Party USA is happy.

This country is in God's hand, and I'm not worried. He sets up Governments, and brings them down.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

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