Saturday, September 06, 2008

I really suck at this.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Macabre

What is it about the macabre that intrigues and fascinates me so much? Is it the atmosphere? Is it the darkness? Is it the look? Or is it, in fact, the blood and sometimes gore?

I don't think it is, and I hope it is not the blood and gore. I would be a little disturbed if it were so.

I'm asking because I bought Sweeney Todd this weekend, and so thoroughly enjoyed it. It's not the fact that I enjoyed it so much as it is that I am so drawn to films like it.

I have been a fan of Tim Burton's for many years, Pee Wee's Big Adventure anyone? I think almost all of his movies are great, but the only two I own are Sleepy Hollow and Sweeney Todd. It seems to me a little odd that I choose the two movies with gore to own.

It's not just that. Ever since I was a kid I've gravitated towards dark, bizarre, oft times bloody films and stories. I was a big fan of George Romero's zombie movies. Well, until I realized they were his way of promoting his left wing ideals. I loved Sam Rami's Evil Dead series, with it's dark humor. I still think The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was a great film. I own it and the two remakes, but none of the sequels. Of course I own other films that are similar in one way or another.

As I was watching all the extras on the Sweeney Todd discs I started to wonder about it. It's been on my mind somewhat ever since.

On the redeeming side Hayoa Miyazaki is one of my favorite film makers. His films are usually directed at kids. I wouldn't consider any of his movies macabre. His films usually don't even have any real bad guys.

Mr. Keith

Saturday, March 08, 2008

This time I have a good excuse
No, I mean it

The past few weeks have been a big trial for me.

It started with a pain in my right side. I went to a clinic near my office. I then spent the next 10 hours in the ER. The clinic said I had a very high white blood cell count. The ER told me that it's probably my gallbladder.

In the next couple of days the cold I caught at the ER sets in. I go see my DR.

Then I go see a gastrointestinal specialist. As soon as he comes in, he says I probably have an ulcer. He then says he has no idea why the ER would have even mentioned my gallbladder. the next day they stick a camera in my stomach to confirm the fact the I do have an ulcer.

A number of days later I go back to my doctor because I have some congestion, a very bad cough, and my left ear is bothering me. The ear problem turns out to be a major infection that I am still,two weeks later, dealing with.

No, I'm not looking for sympathy. I just wanted to actually have a good reason for taking so long to write anything. So, there you have it. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

FairTax: the Truth Answering the Critics
By Neal Boortz & Congressman John Linder

Today, it comes out today. We need to make sure that this book gets to number one on the New York Times Bestsellers List this first weekend. I'm going out and buying at least one copy. With more being bought later.

And little bit from Boortz website today.
That's the competition. Some Oprah-designated book called Eat, Pray, Love. It's been number one on the New York Times bestseller's list for eons .. and that's the book we need to beat with 'FairTax: the Truth Answering the Critics'. The book is in the book stores today ... and if – a big if – we overtake that Eat, Pray, Love thing it will surely make news and give the FairTax a huge push.
Now's the time. No more procrastinating. Sales between now and next Monday are the key. Bookstores, ... wherever. If you want to give a big push to the most thoroughly researched piece of legislation ever to be placed before the congress of the United States; if you want to be part of the biggest transfer of power from the government to the people in our history; if you want to boost our economy, make the U.S. the world's number one tax haven for business ... you know the drill ... then get your copy this week. Once you're armed with the information in this book the political class can no longer demagogue the FairTax with their absurd misrepresentations. The facts will be out there."

We have a huge opportunity to tell the Government that we are sick and tired of them taking our hard earned money at gun point. So, that they can build bridges to nowhere in Alaska. So, Harry Reid can have another building named after himself. And so, they can give it to people that refuse to go out and get a job. Trust me, I know how insensitive I am.

Hmm, but that one sounds a little familier. "From each according to his ablility. To each according to his need." Doesn't Socialism sound sweet.

The Fair Tax is a consumption tax. Which means you pay taxes when you buy things. Not when you get your pay check and see FICA and his friends.

While you're at it. Buy The Fair Tax Book and read it as well. It took me six hours read this, and that included the time it took to change planes a couple times.

God bless, and help make April 15 just another spring day,

Mr. Keith

Friday, January 25, 2008

Saying good-bye to Sierra,
before I ever met her.

I know what you're thinking. "That's a bit cryptic. Isn't it?"

Well, at the church I attend we have these home groups. They used to call them Life Net, but the name was changed, and I don't remember what the new name is.

The family that leads the one I am a part of, Lenard & Charity Samanie, had a little girl Monday evening. Her name was Sierra. There were complications with her heart during the pregnancy. When she was born, she went directly to ICU.

The last update I received on Tuesday was that she was doing really well. In fact, she got to spend a couple hours in her mom's arms.

This morning I had two emails from one of Charity's relatives. One was from Thursday and the other this morning. The one from Thursday said, "They believe these are her final moments. Please pray for grace and strength, this family has been through so much in the last few months." The one from today said this, "Thank you gain for all the prayer and support of the Samanie family. I will have more details about service arrangements this afternoon."

Needless to say I'm a little torn. I've known this family almost as long as I've lived here. I am very close to them.

Keep the Samanie's in your prayers as they deal with this.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Short Attention Span Theater!
The story of my life.

(Thursday 01/17/08)

I think this is my fourth or fifth attempt at writing something new for this blog, hence the title. I kind of want to do a "year in review" sort of thing, but I'm really not sure where this will end up going. So...

I started last year kind of the same way I have many, in debt. I'm sure most of us do that on a regular basis, but a few months in I decided that I was done with being a "slave to the lender". Not to long after that I started listening to this guy out of TN, Dave Ramsey, and everything started to change.

I've made the decision to get out of debt many times before, but until this last year I never did a whole lot about it. Well, last month I paid off the last of my credit cards. In a nine month period I paid off $5,500.00, or there abouts.

Now on to my car. I owe a little more on that then I did on my cards, but I'm already paying a pretty good size chunk of money towards that. The plan is to pay it off by the end of this year, at the latest. I should be pretty close to having it done by July or August. If not, completely paid off.

Then it's on to the house, and yes I have the beginnings of a plan for that as well. Although, I'm probably going to be in a different house in three to four years.

Paying off the cards hasn't really sunk in yet. I'll start noticing it more as each month passes, and my bank accounts increase.

(Monday 01/21/08)

I spent the last two full weeks of the year playing Superintendent. In that time I had two days off, Sunday the 23rd and Christmas day. The only reason I didn't work Christmas was because the owner of Metro Walls, where I work, went out there. Some advise, if you have a job that would usually take 34 days to complete, don't schedule a 14 day build time. Needless to say, I'm cured of wanting to be a Project Manager or Superintendent.

I'm not complaining. It's one of those life experiences that I wouldn't trade for the world. I just want it to be a one time experience.

The biggest disappointment of the year was when I realized that my mom didn't get to see any of us kids during the holidays. That was the first time since any of us were born.

We did get to see her this year. I went out there back in July, and she was out here when Johnathan was born.

It was very hard for me when I realized it. So, I decided that this year I'm going to make sure she will be with at least one of us this year. I told my sister and brother that I would fly her where ever she needed to be to see one or all of us at Thanksgiving or Christmas. I'll be able to do that because of the whole getting out of debt thing.

Well, that's it for now.

God bless,
Mr. Keith