Friday, October 19, 2007

This is such a cool idea. 10-20-30! Let the Virus Begin!

OK, this is not my idea, but it is great. My friend Lydia posted a blog about running across a blog by one of her friend's mom writing about a blog with this question. "Quick: What were you doing ten, twenty, and thirty years ago?" The author then answers the question about herself, and then adds this challenge.
It's an experiment to see how many degrees we can separate (kind of like Kevin Bacon, only it's relevantblog). Even if you're not tagged, don't be crabby, just take up the baton and run with it. Here's what I ask: Have folks post their 10-20-30s, and then link back to the Mother Ship ( or write a comment here, saying where you heard about this experiment and sharing where you blog. This isn't to build my empire, it's to find out how far we can expand the blogosphere. After all this talk about blog tours, it got me thinking. How many people can one blog potentially reach?

Now, why would a right-wing, sarcastic cynic like me join in this obvious ploy to bring about some sort of collectivism here? Which as everyone knows brings about socialism, and then, eventually communism. Oh, come on. I'm only joking. Don't be so sensitive.

It's simple. I enjoy living in the past as much as the next guy....I mean, I enjoy reminiscing about my history. So, here goes.

10 Years Ago: I Lived in San Antonio, TX in an apartment with my dad. I was working for Artistic Counters as a fabricator, a great job. I went to as many concerts as possible; Vigilantes of Love, Fold Zandura, Love Coma, Shot Heard 'Round the Block, The Choir, MxPx, etc. My love for traditional music was being born. I cooked almost all my meals. I helped out in the youth group at Trinity Church, middle school mainly. My favorite movies were Blade Runner, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Apocalypse Now. I started searching out and watching cult films. (I watched A Clockwork Orange at the Youth Pastor's house. They were out of town of course, and I was house sitting for them, sorry, Scott.) I was getting ready to move to Tampa, FL.

20 Years Ago: I was in seventh grade at Omar N. Bradley Middle School in San Antonio, TX. I was introduced to hardcore by my friend Chad, Black Flag. I had never heard anything like that before, and I couldn't figure out whether I liked it or not. I had a mullet of sorts. At school, I was a "metal head", and at church, I was a good preachers kid. I liked whatever the people around me at the time thought was cool. None of my friends at school new that Stryper was my favorite band. I didn't care about passing or failing at school. At least, not until report cards got home. We had a Chow named Husky. I miss that dog.

30 Years Ago: I was two years old. Needless to say I don't remember anything from then. We had either just moved or were getting ready to move from San Hose, CA to Lilburn, GA. On the way, we went off the road into a ditch. I asked if we could do it again.

So, there you have it. Now, go out and do the same or don't. I couldn't care less, but if you do. Let me know you did, and let her know.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

Monday, October 15, 2007

There is something to be said about modesty. "It's a good thing."

Mr. Keith

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Will some one please put Jimmy in a home?

I used to laugh when Jimmy Carter would criticize the President. Of all the living former Presidents, he has the audacity to complain about job performance.

This is the man that brought our country to it's knees in front of Islamic Terrorists. The man that almost destroyed our economy with huge inflation. The man that caused the gasoline shortage with his "price controls".

I know people that owned gas stations in the 70's, and they lost everything they had because of old Jimmy and his "good intentions".

Like most Georgian's, I'm embarassed. Now, I don't doubt that he thinks he's doing good, but at this point it's clear. He has no one around him that ever says, "No."

Gad bless,
Mr. Keith