Friday, September 08, 2006

In responce to The Austin Project, Chris Coggin's blog, September 1, 2006.

Amen, brother.
How often do we as Christians allow ourselves to get caught up in life and forget...No, not forget, but set aside the truths we know.

We don't forget to persue Christ and a Christ-like life. We set those "things" aside because of bills, stress at work, or some one cut us off in traffic.

Even in sin, I am aware of what I am doing, and yet, I continue for that short period of feeling good. Then turn around to the fact that what I just did was wrong.

When i was a child I could get away with the excuse that I didn't know what I was doing to be wrong. Here I am in my thirties, and I still struggle with doing what is right. I know that doing right always, always, always leads to joy. Sin always, always, always leads to darkness and disappointment, but here I am still trying (did you catch that? trying) to do right in the eyes of God.

Oh, how pathetic a creature this man is.

How is it that Jesus still stands beside me holding me up? Walking beside me. So often carrying me through life.

Why does He put up with us? With me? Who am I that You would reach out Your hand to save me? Isn't He great?

God bless,
Mr. Keith

(It's back to talk radio for me.)

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