Monday, September 18, 2006

I deleted my post about my reaction to "The Path to 9/11".

I don't regret what I wrote, and if you read it I stand by what I said.

But even though I still meant what I wrote. I believe that it was time to take it down. I didn't intend on keeping up forever any way.

I realize my views can be very polarizing and "offensive" to a lot of people. Just read some of the other blogs I've posted.

The reason I deleted it is because...I'm not sure how to explain it. I could say that some of the language I used was inappropriate and some of it was, but that's not it. I could say it was to politically one sided, but that would not bother me in any way, shape, or form. I could even say that the direction I ended up taking was not what the film was trying to say, but I wasn't writing a review. I was writing from my heart, my emotional experience. That is after all why I waited until after I saw both parts.

It was just time to delete it. I don't know if any one is reading this blog any way. You might be reading this thinking, "What the hell is this loser writing about?"

If you didn't read it then, I just wasted your time. I apologize for that.

If you did, you are probably happy I took it down. You're welcome.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

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