Thursday, September 21, 2006

I am not one that thinks of boycotts as something to get involved in.

When movies come out that I find offensive, I don't stop going to theaters that are showing it. I go see a different film.

When France said they opposed the war in Iraq, I didn't go out and put one of those stupid "boycott France" stickers on my vehicle. In fact, my first thought when they started showing up was "I bet this idiot isn't even smart enough to figure out what's French and what's not". Those people were the ones that stop eating French Toast and French Fries and French Bread. Thinking they were really sticking it to the French.

When I find out a place I eat or purchase things at regularly supports canidates or policies I disagree with, I don't stop eating or shopping there.
Case in point; Ted Turner is an moron, and he owns Ted's Montana. It's the only restaurant that serves bison on it's regular menu. I happen to really enjoy the taste of bison. If given the opportunity to eat there I jump at the chance. I hate that some of my money goes to him, but I get to eat bison there.

I think boycotts for the most part are a waste of time. They usually end up having the opposite effect then intended. When some people see that there is a boycott they feel the sudden urge to go where others are saying we shouldn't go to.

Where am I going with this?

Boycott Citgo.

The gas station?

Yes, the gas station.


Because Citgo is owned by the Government of Venezuela, and there for run by Hugo Chavez. Every gallon of gas, candy bar, quart of oil, or six pack of Bud you buy goes to support the new Roberto Mussolini. (Ahmadinejad being the new Hitler. He is calling for the total destruction of Israel, after all.)

Chavez and his government are supporters of Islamic terrorists and any one that hates America (United Nations). I'm not so sure that he is actually a socialist or a communist. I think he is just a power hungry SOB.

If you truly love USA then you would think it a good idea to cause problems for all of our enemies, but if you think hurting the Government of Venezuela is a bad thing, then it's obvious where your loyalties are.

Here's something for all you peace at any pricers, like Carter. The Soviets had a definition for peace you might agree with. Peace is when all voices opposing the Soviet Government are silenced.

The only place to find the peace you want is in solitary confinement.

If you will recall the only reason this nation came into existence was because we went to war with England and won. The only reason we don't all speak German and Israel exists today was that we went to war and won.

The price for freedom and peace is the willingness to take up arms and wage war against those who try to take it away from us until they are defeated. Whether they surrender or are completely destroyed.

With all that said here is a challenge for you. I don't see any reason for the US be be a member of the UN. Some one explain to me why the UN is good for the US.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

p.s. International opinion is a load of crap. So, that is not a reason.

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