Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What the Hell is wrong with the people in this country?

The topic of conversation on Boortz at 11 am changed to banning games like tag, dodge ball, and others from government schools. Why are they doing this?

With tag the problem is that kids are running around "touching" each other. No, I'm serious. In fact some lady called in saying that she doesn't allow her kids to play it because she's worried younger kids will think that hitting is ok.

Another reason they use, I'm sure it's used for all games like these, is they are afraid a kid will get hurt and the school will be sued. I can't really blame them for thinking that. If the laws would be changed so that the loser pays. Then we wouldn't have so many frivolous lawsuits.

If we continue allowing things like this to happen, then this country will become a "nation of candy-asses", to quote Boortz.

If you actually believe this is a good idea. Please don't have kids, because we don't need any more cry babies in this world.

If you love your children. Encourage your children to play tag, dodge ball, climb trees, ect. If they get hurt then they get hurt. It's life people.

Some of my favorite memories have instances of where I was injured. LIFE HURTS.

It ticks me off so much that people actually buy into this crap. Don't raise your kids to be pansies.

God bless,

Mr. Keith

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