Tuesday, April 03, 2007

April 15 is coming OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!

I hate this time of year. I am getting my taxes done this afternoon. So, naturally I'm feeling a little relaxed. The problem is that this time next year it's the same old crap. Unless...The Fair Tax Plan is passed.

In a few minutes, U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), U.S. Rep. John Linder (R-GA), U.S. Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) and Ken Hoagland of Americans for Fair Taxation are holding a news conference and rally this morning. They are announcing reintroduction of the Fair Tax in the U. S. House and U. S. Senate. I'm hoping and praying they get allot of play out of it.

This is the best tax system I've ever read about. It's a consumption tax that replaces all other taxes. The only time you pay taxes are when you buy things.

Think about it. How much did you pay last year? By the way if you have a job you pay taxes. Even if you got a refund, you still paid taxes last year.

There are a couple ways to find out about it. go to http://fairtax.org/, or you could find a copy of The Fair Tax Book by Congressman John Linder and Neal Boortz.

If this system were to pass The United States of America would be the largest tax haven in the world. That means every company in the world that can afford to move here, will. Talk about a booming economy.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

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