Friday, January 25, 2008

Saying good-bye to Sierra,
before I ever met her.

I know what you're thinking. "That's a bit cryptic. Isn't it?"

Well, at the church I attend we have these home groups. They used to call them Life Net, but the name was changed, and I don't remember what the new name is.

The family that leads the one I am a part of, Lenard & Charity Samanie, had a little girl Monday evening. Her name was Sierra. There were complications with her heart during the pregnancy. When she was born, she went directly to ICU.

The last update I received on Tuesday was that she was doing really well. In fact, she got to spend a couple hours in her mom's arms.

This morning I had two emails from one of Charity's relatives. One was from Thursday and the other this morning. The one from Thursday said, "They believe these are her final moments. Please pray for grace and strength, this family has been through so much in the last few months." The one from today said this, "Thank you gain for all the prayer and support of the Samanie family. I will have more details about service arrangements this afternoon."

Needless to say I'm a little torn. I've known this family almost as long as I've lived here. I am very close to them.

Keep the Samanie's in your prayers as they deal with this.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

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