Tuesday, August 07, 2007

An update for Thursday, December 21, 2006.

You may recall a post I made back on the above referenced date, I wrote about going out and finding an individual, family, or organization to help out during the Christmas season. You might also remember that I found a family in my church the was going through a very difficult time. If not, then here is a reminder.

--"I found a family last night at church that are in some financial need. The husband just had most of his stomach removed because of cancer, and the prescriptions they need are extremely
expensive. So, I've decided to help them how I know I can."--

Well, about three weeks ago I got some encouraging news. A few minutes after I got up to Children's Church Yolanda, the wife, came in with her son. She grab me and a couple of the other adults that help out. She said she had some good news. On the Thursday before her husband had a doctor's appointment to check on the progress of treatment vs. the cancer.

Well, to make a long story short. There is no cancer to be found in his body at all. It's gone.

God is good,
Mr. Keith

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