Monday, March 12, 2007

I have no title for this

I started reading Sex was God's Idea in November, and I finished it at the end of January.

It's not a hard read at all, but Thanksgiving and Christmas, out of town family and driving kind of messes up a man's routine. The week of Christmas alone I put about 400 miles on my vehicle, and just driving to and from my brother's house, which is only 130 mile round trip.

The book is great. It's very clear and concise in its message. It's not just some Christian saying don't have sex before you get married because the Bible says so. He actually gives statistics on the actual, possible consequences of premarital sex. He actually gives the references to the stats he gives. I whole heartedly recommend this book for any young person to read.

There is a link to the myspace page that has information on aquiring the book. In fact, you can read the book in the blog section if you would like.

I am currently on a bit of an American History kick, especially Southern History. My sister gave me a copy of The President, the Pope, and the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World by John O'Sullivan, which I just started, and a Barnes & Noble gift card.

With the gift card I bought The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South by Clint Johnson. Which I read in a couple of weeks. I'm so glad I read this book. If you're from the South, and hate the we are so often stereo typed as stupid, backwards, cousin marrying, moonshine drinking, racists, read this book. If you think that we Southerners are all of those things, then read this book.

Once I finish The President, I plan on reading alot about the War Between the States. (Actually, after I read Rediscovering God in America by Newt Gingrich.) I have a small list going, but if you have any recomendations let me know.

For some reason, I have this desire to know what really happened in the past. Not just what we were told in school happened. I want the meat. I want the flesh and bones of the past. Maybe it's because "those that don't know the past are doomed to repeat it."

I want to know my History, our History. The History of the greatest nation in the world, period.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

Two in one day. Things are slow this week here at the office.

I just found out that my good friends Pat and Laura Steele, back in San Antonio, are expecting a baby. I had to let you know.

God bless,
Mr. Keith

p.s. Look Lydia, it's waking-up.

Friday, March 02, 2007

There is something that's been on my mind lately.

I'm not completely sure why I've been thinking about this so much, lately. I have some theories, and I know part of the reason. It's the biggest regret of my life. It's not something I've done, but something I didn't do.

Usually, when I think about it, it's no big deal. It comes to mind, and I think "I really should have followed my instincts and done it." Other times however it really gets under my skin, and it bothers me a great deal.

Get to the point! I know, I know.

A little background on this thing. The Summer before my senior year of high school I was approached by a Marine Recruiter. I really didn't know what I wanted to do with my future. So, we set up an appointment to sit down and talk about The Corp.

We talked for probably two hours about the potential benefits if I joined. I was still considering collage at the time. He told me about his own experience in boot camp, and how he got to where he was at that point in his career, and where he wanted to go. I told him about my Grand-father's service in the Army-Air Force during WWII. Talk talk talk.

After the presentation and subsequent conversations the only problem, or maybe concern is better, I had was that, I knew that at that point in time I would not have been able to handle boot camp physically. Even though I would have had a year before joining. I didn't think that I would be in the right physical condition after a year either. He said that it would not be a problem.

You see, the recruiting office was in the same strip center as a World's Gym, and that office had a deal with World's Gym that would let an underage recruit join the gym until they went to boot camp. The recruiter also let me know that he or one of the other recruiters would be more then willing to help get into the proper shape to handle basic training.

I told some of my family and a couple of friends about my thoughts on joining The Corp. One person, who was very important to me and whose opinion I greatly valued, said "You a Marine?" Then laughed in my face. Like an idiot I let them influence my decision. I called the recruiter and told him I was no longer interested.

I regret that more then anything else I've ever done, or not done.

PBS has been showing a great documentary about the Marines. It's actually very positive. So, that's part of it.

I know that my life would have been completely different then it has been. Maybe I never would have joined Youth with a Mission. Maybe I would have never lived in Florida, or moved back here to GA, but maybe I would have.

If I could go back and change one thing that would be it. Part me wants to do it, now.

I hoping this helps me get ahead this. Any thoughts?

God bless,
Mr. Keith

p.s. Did notice how many times I said really in this post. I mean, really.